Irina Gheorghe

Things of Which We Cannot Say, 2021
Tape Collage on Paper
50 x 35 cm
8 unique works
600 € each incl. frame

The tape collages from the series Things of Which We Cannot Say (2017–ongoing) form a starting point for Irina Gheorghe's research on non-perceptible realities. They appear to be diagrams for a secret science, cartographies or floor plans for unknown spaces. The formally rigorous "tape drawings" – as the artist calls them – are composed of rectangular areas of color. Gheorghe has developed a scheme in which every color represents a different category of absence. She draws these maps as preliminary studies for her performances: they are scores, or notations, for the construction of imaginary spaces. Gheorghe's installation of drawings, painted panels, collages and photographs, and performances were presented at the Künstlerhaus in the fall of 2021.