Aleana Egan

Paddle (iron-oxide), 2021
polystyrene, papier-mâché, gesso, pigment
17 x 13 x 3 cm
edition: 3
850 € each

In her exhibition small field, Aleana Egan presented an interplay of abstract sculptural elements. In multi-layered constellations, materials such as wood, metal, pigment, and fabric come together to reveal moments of a process. This is also the case in the work Paddle (iron-oxide), which comes from a group of assemblages that Egan has been steadily developing since 2019. Inspired by the materiality and form of a shell-shaped women's handbag made of stiffened linen and pigmented papier-mâché – that Egan saw at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Berlin – this edition was created with a low relief surface. Here Egan refers to Adolf Göller's idea that our delight in pleasing forms comes from the mental effort to shape their memory.