Franziska Keller


Franziska Keller (*1972 in Flensburg, lives and works in Bremen) had her studio in the Künstlerhaus Bremen. In her works she uses a wide variety of mostly found materials, which she detaches from their original context. She draws attention to their formal qualities and uses media such as collage, drawing, video and sculpture. The artist was awarded the Karin Hollweg Prize in 2013 for her precise and at times poetic works. She participated in the group exhibition Dazwischentreten, which took place throughout the entire Künstlerhaus.

Her edition is based on a sculpture for which the artist has woven wire spirals of expired calendars in the form of a cube. Close-ups of the work, which no longer show the original context, were laminated onto Alu Dibond. The interlocking lines in different colors are spread over the entire surface and thus form a further step in the alienation process of the material.

Franziska Keller
o.T., 2015
38 x 31,9 cm
photography, laminated on Alu Dibond
edition of 3
550 €