Nadira Husain

This year, the young French-Indian artist Nadira Husain (*1980 in Paris, lives and works in Paris and Berlin) had her first institutional exhibition at Künstlerhaus Bremen. The starting point of her artistic practice is her examination of the representational conventions of Western culture. Her work experiments with painting, drawing and printing techniques, she develops works of superimposed layers in which the classical hierarchical pictorial structures dissolve.

Nadira Husain has created a series of three unique works for the Künstlerhaus Bremen. The basis of the series consists of screen prints on crepe fabric, which were reworked with various painting and drawing techniques. In Husain’s series, elements of comic culture, forms from the culinary world as well as abstract motifs come together. A variety of overlapping patterns, ornaments, and signs cover the entire surface, allowing the back and foreground to merge into a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors.

Nadira Husain
Crêpe: fff folle de joie en slip (no longer available); Crêpe: Fentes (no longer available); Crêpe: Sourire Crispé, 2014
screen printing and tempera on crepe fabric
each 36 x 29 cm
3 unique works
999 € each

N Husain sourire crispe