Michael Schmid

MS Bremen

Michael Schmid (*1981 in Ulm, lives and works in Bremen) worked in a studio of the Künstlerhaus Bremen for some time. The young artist works mainly with photography and completed his master student year at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen with Korpys/Löffler in 2014. The reduced formal language of his paintings explores structural elements of our environment: a white sheet or the structure of the wooden floor in the studio serve as a starting point for works. His self-reflective practice emphasizes their seemingly neutral yet formative structures and questions their formal quality.

Schmid’s edition for the Künstlerhaus Bremen is a black and white pigment print that represents a word in a sober way. Between typographic lettering and an extract from the surroundings, Schmid emphasizes the ambivalence of the motif: an advertising sign photographed at night, which seems slightly alienated by the artificial light. The clear shot with a slight Pop Art character creates a tension between reality and representation, which plays with our habits of perception.

Michael Schmid
real, 2014
pigment print
38 x 30,5 cm
edition of 10 + 3 AP
400 €, unframed