Heinz Peter Knes


Untitled (Ali Ağca), 2014/20
230 x 153 mm
Inkjet print
Edition of 5 + 2 AP
2.400 Euro each, framed

Untitled (Ali Ağca) is a special edition taken from the work Prozess by Heinz Peter Knes. Prozess is an installation consisting of 54 small-format photographs, most recently shown in Knes’ exhibition Fotografische Arbeit at Künstlerhaus Bremen. This photographic detail refers to a famous press photo showing Pope John Paul II visiting his assassin Mehmet Ali Ağca in prison. They sit opposite each other in conversation. John Paul wears the white cassock and Ağca wears a jeans and a turquoise-grey sweater. Both wore their clothes coherently, almost in the consciousness of a history painting.

Heinz Peter Knes (*1969, Gemünden am Main) lives and works in Berlin. A selection of previous solo exhibitions are Fotografische Arbeit, Künstlerhaus Bremen (2020), (geworfen, gewehrt), Silberkuppe, Berlin (2016), intimation allover / insinuación expandida, Museo Tamayo, Mexiko City (2015), on distance, Sismografo, Porto (2015). Group shows are Emissaries For Things Abandoned By Gods, Casa Luis Barragán, Mexiko City (2019), Répétition, Villa Empain, Brüssel (2016), Off Broadway, The Wattis Institute, San Francisco (2015) a.o. Knes’ photographs were published in various magazines, such as Basso Magazin, BUTT, i-D and Purple Magazine.