
The work Transit, Camera obscura, Kitzeck im Sausal 07.09.2011 by the artist duo Korpys/Löffler was created during their journey from Bremen to Istanbul on the historic guest worker route. They travelled the route in a Ford Transit from the 1960s, which they had converted into a camera obscura before setting off. At various stages of the journey, impressions were captured on barythe paper, unnoticed by outsiders and influenced by chance. In addition to these diary-like images, Korpys/Löffler documented their journey with a bellows camera similar in age to the transit. One motif was of course the Ford Transit itself, which was both a medium of transportation and documentation. Symbolically and factually, this traditional vehicle stands for change, the technical, social, but also the immaterial, the transformation of images and thoughts, the comparison between idea and reality, history and present.

Transit, Camera obscura, Kitzeck im Sausal 07.09.2011, 2011
9 x 13 cm, framed 20 x 30 cm
Edition of 3
350 €
