Sybille Springer

Thick rain veils the view of the street scenes that Sibylle Springer captures in her Papierarbeiten zu 19th Street (Rain I + II). By superimposing individual layers of paint, she creates transparent layers that jump back and forth, making it difficult to fix the people and objects depicted. One moment recognizable, they are lost in the rain the next. As with the graffiti pictures, the Looming Signs (2008), photographs taken in New York, also form the source material here. The artist deliberately searched for motifs that are constantly changing, briefly flashing a hidden world and thus irritating perception. Initially depicted in a figurative manner, the street events tip over into abstraction in the further painterly implementation. Behind the layers of color, which can be perceived as a surface, there is a pictorial space arranged in central perspective, which, like the scenery captured in the photograph, opens up briefly, but then closes again immediately.


Sibylle Springer
Papierarbeiten zu 19th Street (Rain I + II), 2009
oil on paper, framed
40 × 50 cm
3 unique works
530 € each

