Albrecht Schäfer

In Albrecht Schäfer’s practice, exhibition spaces not only provide the environment for the arrangement of his works, but are themselves understood as material in which he intervenes directly. Characteristics of his working method is the choice of simple, everyday materials, which are transformed by his interventions from something ordinary to something unusual. This phenomenon is also evident in pencil on paper, where a total of six different pencils were “sharpened” and then each one was glued onto a DIN A4 page. The writing instruments, transformed from their usual form into a different shape and robbed of their original function, now wind as shavings in full length labyrinthine over the sheet. The banal waste product in its specific materiality moves into the center of the work and unfolds an unexpected formal filigree. In the process, the title Bleistift auf Papier undermines the automatic link with the purely technical information, thus revealing its humorous potential.

Albrecht Schäfer
Bleistift auf Papier, No. 1-6, 2009
pencil, paper, glue, framed
33 × 24 cm
6 unique works
800 € each
