Verena Johanna Müller

Verena Johanna Müller (*1980 in Tübingen, lives in Rome) sets her own poetic-fantastic world against traditional classifications, not without taking a sometimes somewhat amused look at her surroundings. Her real subject is the art of communication. Words and language are as indispensable to her as paint and brush are to a painter. Through performances or lectures, but also through her pictorial oeuvre, the artist takes us into a new universe. Thus she sets out as a traveling salesman in the service of art, in order to radiate a spark of happiness, a touch of free spirit and a pinch of cheerfulness to the people. As a stewardess Verena Johanna Müller travels the world on behalf of VERENA AIRLINES. With the air sickness bag in the business class edition, she brings a gold leaf refined spit bag for the high demands of the Künstlerhaus first class customers to the market. Through free unfolding or appropriate use, the flat piece of paper becomes a three-dimensional object. Such an object always belongs in your luggage...

Verena Johanna Müller
Air sickness bag by VERENA AIRLINES - business class edition for business travellers, 2008
Gold leaf on paper bag
20,5 x 12 cm
Edition 24
35 €

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