Stefan Marx

Stefan Marx (*1979 in Schwalmstadt, lives in Hamburg) draws his ideas from the daily flood of stimuli and thousands of impressions that come to him. He quickly sketches and notes down what he encounters in order to formulate his notes more precisely later. Not only his motifs, but also his light, unpolished strokes and even more so his speed connect him with the Street Art and DIY scene. One can almost feel the drawing impulse, the energy that was in the original pictures. The five ink drawings made for the Künstlerhaus Bremen bear witness to the directness of Stefan Marx’s view and the artistic realization. All of them depict idioms that the artist discovered on his forays. In the process, the letters develop a sign level in addition to their semantic meaning; they transform into pure writing. And at the same time, each drawing has something very personal about it– after all, these are the artist’s favorite sayings, from which the recipient in turn chooses his or her own favorite.


Stefan Marx
I wait here for you forever as long as it takes; I'm happy I didn't die before I met you; I'm starting to feel okay; And I called you back; Tonight I'm swimming to my favourite island, 2008
Ink drawing, framed
38 x 28 cm
5 unique works
500 € each

