Julia Horstmann


The interest in private as well as public buildings and their impact is evident in numerous works by Julia Horstmann (*1974 in Hamburg, lives in Berlin). In the photography o.T. (untitled) she also deals with architecture, this time with the Villa Müller in Prague, which was built by the architect Adolf Loos. For her artistic examination of the person and the building, Julia Horstmann chose the juxtaposition of two contrasting color spaces that are separated from each other and reconnected by pearl buttons. Loos demands in his writings that buttons, like architecture, should be inconspicuous and restrained. In contrast, the Pearl Kings and Queens in London used to decorate and enhance their clothing with this kind of decoration. In Julia Horstmann’s photography of her own collage, she synthesizes both views.


Julia Horstmann
o.T., 2008
digital print
18 x 24 cm
Eddition 3 + 1 AP
380 €