Simon Dybbroe Møller

A girl with a bouquet of flowers sits on a crumpled piece of paper: Amongst the ruins of desire is the title Simon Dybbroe Møller (*1976 in Aarhus/DK, lives in Frankfurt am Main) has given his edition. Formal conditions, such as his intervention in the harmonious flow of the checkered paper, are not the only disturbing factors here: his arrangement also elevates the sheet structure to an architectural and unreal paper landscape. In his objects and installations, the artist makes use of various forms of expression and media. Modernist structures and their architectural and design history are points of reference for his works. Structures that still bear witness to the universalist criteria that rational modernism had elevated to a guiding theme.

His quotes from modernism are not only fragmentary; the poetic (song) titles of Dybbroe Møller's works, also send us on a search for traces: a torn out wall alludes to the standard of the exhibition wall in the museum. His edition features a model from the catalog of the design label Superstudio. The artist breaks with the cultural inscriptions of modernism and deconstructs its apparent stability and timelessness, as in his edition, in which deconstructions mix with the vanitas motif. Dybbroe Møller frees his depictions from their usual contexts and, in his enigmatic and dissonant arrangements, tells of another reality in a poetic way.


Simon Dybbroe Møller
Amongst the ruins of desire (Corriere della Sera, June 13, 1970), 2005
Piezo Print
31 x 22,5 cm, framed
Edition: 8
Produced for the Künstlerhaus Bremen
650 €
