Robert Kinmont – Measure

8 June – 1 September 2013
Opening: Friday, 7 June 2013, 7.30 p.m.

Welcoming speech: Angela Piplak, Geschäftsführung
Introduction: Stefanie Böttcher, Künstlerische Leitung

Robert Kinmont describes art as an expression of human existence, and his photographic and sculptural works provide a very personal record of the artist himself. They are intricately interwoven with the exceptional landscape of the High Desert region of eastern California, an area which he knows intimately, where he grew up, lived for many years, and one that has fundamentally shaped who he is. Kinmont has employed this material, visual, and emotional repository in his remarkably lucid and original works, which are all statements made by the artist relating to his own intensely personal sensual perceptions and experiences. By working with the familiar materials all around him he produces works that are cheerful and solidly grounded while also telling a tale of adventure, wilderness, and authenticity. His simple but powerful use of gesture inspires us to respect on human existence, global equilibrium, and each person's relationship to their homeland and to nature itself.

Robert Kinmont was born in 1937 in Los Angeles and now lives in Sonoma, California. After completing his art degree he founded his own art school, called Coyote, in the small town of Bishop. From the 1980s onwards, when he started earning a living as a carpenter and devoted himself to Zen Buddhism, his artistic work was put on hold. Yet his experiences during this long hiatus ultimately led him back to art, seeking ways of expressing his thoughts. His work has most recently been shown in solo exhibitions at Kunsthaus Glarus, RaebervonStenglin, and Alexander and Bonin, as well as in the group exhibition Ends of the Earth at Munich's Haus der Kunst. Measure at Künstlerhaus Bremen is Robert Kinmont's first solo exhibition in Germany.

The first monograph on Robert Kinmont’s work is published in conjunction with Kunsthaus Glarus by Mousse Publishing on the occasion of the exhibition.


8 June 2013, 11 a.m. Artist talk with Robert Kinmont
19 June 2013, 7 p.m. Der Stille begegnen, die Stille entweihen. Philosophische Reflexionen zur Zen-Ästhetik und zu Werken Robert Kinmonts Lecture by von Prof. Dr. Seubold, Professor for Philosophy and Art theory, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung Alfter/Bonn
22 August 2013, 7 p.m. Hausbesuch #13  Guided tour through the exhibition and visit of Katja Blum's and Doris Weinberger's studios.

Guided tours: 11.07.2013; 1.08.2013, 7 p.m.

We would like to thank RaebervonStenglin and Alexander and Bonin.

The exhibition is supported by:

US Consulat