Lara Almarcegui – Brachflächen, Grabungen, Baustoffe

19 November 2011 – 12 February 2012
Opening: 18 November 2011, 7.30 p.m.

Welcoming speech: Waltraud Steimke, executive director
Introduction: Stefanie Böttcher, artistic director

Lara Almarcegui focuses her attention on the hidden, changing places of our cities. The Spanish artist concentrates for example on wastelands - the last “wild areas« within the confines of modern urban expanses. But she also examines the construction of buildings by breaking them down into their basic elements and respective volumes. She has even ascertained the composition and quantity of the building materials used for complete city centres. Almarcegui compiles the findings of her explorations of civilized space and makes them available to the public in photographs, films, flyers and even guidebooks. She thus attempts to penetrate closed areas and at the same time sharpen our awareness for free terrain. One by one she peels off the covers of cities with great precision so as to get to their very core, their real components uncovering the very different aspects of urbanity.

Lara Almarcegui (*1972 in Zaragoza) lives in Rotterdam. Solo exhibitions in recent years have taken her to the Wiener Secession or the TENT in Rotterdam. She has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, including at the Casino Luxembourg, the Athens Biennial 2009 and the Taipei Biennial 2010. Brachflächen, Grabungen, Baustoffe at the Künstlerhaus Bremen is Lara Almarcegui;s first solo exhibition in Germany.


1 December 2011, 7 p.m.
El Forat (1998-2004) 130 min., regie: Chema Falconetti, E 2004
19 January 2011, 7 p.m. Urbane Biodiversität: Ein botanischer Streifzug durch 100 Jahre Artenvielfalt im Bremer Hafen Lecture by Dr. Josef Müller, Institut für Ökologie Universität Bremen
5 Februar 2012, 3 p.m. Urbaner Spaziergang with the AAA trough the Überseestadt, start: Haltestelle Eduard-Schopf-Allee

Guided tour: 15 December 2011, 7 p.m.; 5 January 2012, 7 p.m.