Irene Strese: PULLSH

Bremen Studio Fellowship 2020

14 March - 18 April 2021

Due to government regulations the exhibition remains closed until further notice. 

PULLSH is like the ambivalent in-between moment of standing in front of a closed door. For months, exhibitions have been in a permanent state of tension with postponements and temporary closure that also influence artistic production. Open or close? Push or pull?
Irene Strese presents her work in the form of a site-specific installation, in which ambivalences within her artistic practice become visible: Handicraft and sculptural processes are juxtaposed and even intertwined with industrial materials, while traces from artistic and industrial production processes are revealed. The sculptural ensemble blends into a setting of small-scale ceramic objects and expansive elements.
Irene Strese (*1986 in Ivanovka, Kyrgyzstan) studied educational science in Hildesheim and received a master's degree in art and cultural education in Bremen in 2014. She then studied at the Hochschule für Künste in Bremen and graduated in 2019 as a master student of Prof. Andree Korpys and Prof. Markus Löffler.


Supporting program

Wednesday, March 31, 6 p.m.

Guided tour of the exhibition with Melissa Canbaz > cancelled!

Wednesday, April 7, 6 p.m.

Guided tour through the exhibition with Julika Wagner > online (in German)

Kindly supported by