mit Ruth Buchanan, Annika Grabold, Dominique Hurth, Franziska Nast, Josse Pyl und Charlotte Rohde


Opening: Saturday, 14. Oktobre, 7 pm

The group exhibition *INNEN brings together artistic positions that take words or language as their starting point. How do language, words and letters shape our bodies and the spaces around us? How can language and dialogue be depicted – other than through writing? In the struggle for words, in the clearing of throats, in the joining of sounds, word-images and image-words emerge. The presented works examine and negotiate – from different angles and partly from a feminist position – the performative aspects of language and written signs in relation to identities, institutions and spaces. The exhibition takes the upcoming gender- ppropriate change of name of Künstlerhaus Bremen in spring 2024 as an opportunity to reflect on the role and impact of words, language, and typography. The works brought together in the exhibition draw a horizon of possibility of language and conversation as well as the utopian

potential that lies between *INNEN and outside, between idea and mediating word or sign.

The exhibition is accompanied by events that tie in with the series of events “Ein Haus für Künstler*innen” (“A House for Fe*Male Artists”) that began in the fall of 2022.

Curated by Nadja Quante and Pio Rahner/Spacing (formerly known as Erlkönig)

Exhibition brochure


Saturday, 25 November

4 pm Presentation by the Feminist Health Care Research Group (Julia Bonn/Inga Zimprich)
7 pm Artists talk with Annika Grabold, Dominique Hurth, Franziska Nast, Josse Pyl,
Charlotte Rohde

The exhibition is accompanied by events that tie in with the series of events “Ein Haus
für Künstler*innen” (“A House for Fe*Male Artists”) that began in the fall of 2022.
More information on our website.

With the kind support of Liebelt Stiftung Hamburg



Wednesday, 18 October, 6 pm
Guided tour with Clara Kramer

Friday, 10 November, 6 pm
Guided tour with Johanne Jordan

Thursday, 23 November, 6 pm
Curator’s tour with Nadja Quante and Pio Rahner

Admission to all events and guided tours is free!