Cadavre exquis (haptischer Genus), 2020, 6 framed drawings: black pigmented ink, aluminum frame; large floor sculpture: plastic, tape, acrylic paint; 7 floor elements: unfired clay, painted, Dimensions variable
“Cadavre exquis is a surrealist game that was played in the 20th, whereby a piece of paper was drawn on, folded over and passed on, so that the drawing could be extended without knowing its other parts. Mostly creatures were created that way, the head drawn by the first person, the shoulders and arms by another and so on. The game tempts the unknown, the accident, just as much as the collaborative act and very personal expression. The title is strongly expressed in the clay objects, for which the artist worked together with her extensive patch-work family and got the members to leave traces in the clay with their grip. She then assembled the single elements as 7 formations that strongly associate with spinal bones (vertebrates), as well as ancient runes. The plastic blob too bears the gesture of chance making and quick assembly. The material’s characteristics are opposed to those of the clay sculptures and evoke very different physical responses. A similar tension is created in the 6 drawings that combine fast, fleshy gestures with delicate ink drawings. The installation suggests choreographic elements, a sequence of metamorphosed bodies and scripted assembling of bodily elements.” (Sarah Lüdemann (Beauham))