2006 Bilder # 05 Regenbogen - Zelle, 2006, acrylic on canvas, 50 x 50 cm
2008 Zeichnungen I # 03 Sylphe 751, 2008, ballpoint pen, coloured pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm
2008 Zeichnungen I # 04 Sylphe 214, 2008, ballpoint pen, coloured pencil on paper, 35 x 43 cm
2008 Zeichnungen I # 05 Sylphe 740, 2008, ballpoint pen, coloured pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm
2008 Zeichnungen II # 01 Rad 204, 2008, ballpoint pen on paper, 29 x 42 cm
2008 Zeichnungen II # 02 Ring 210, 2008, ballpoint pen on paper, 29 x 42 cm
2008 Zeichnungen II # 03 0.T. 220, 2008, ballpoint pen, coloured pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm
2008 Zeichnungen II # 04 Raute 203, 2008, ballpoint pen, coloured pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm
2008 Zeichnungen II # 05 Raute 219, 2008, ballpoint pen on paper, 29 x 42 cm
2007 Bilder # 01 Tanz der Moleküle, 2007, acrylic on nettle, 60 x 50 cm
2007 Bilder # 02 Pakas, 2007, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 80 cm
2007 Bilder # 03 Trichter, 2007, acrylic on canvas, 50 x 50 cm
2007 Bilder # 04 Busar, 2007, acrylic on nettle, 75 x 110 cm
2007 Bilder # 05 Uluru, 2007, acrylic on canvas, 50 x50 cm
2006 Bilder # 01 Sen, 2006, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
2006 Bilder # 02 Fächer, 2006, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 80 cm
2006 Bilder # 03 Aqua, 2006, acrylic on canvas, 50 x 50 cm
2006 Bilder # 04 Kegel, 2006, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 80 cm
2001/2002 Bilder # 01 o.T., 2001, acrylic on nettle, 53 x 63 cm
2001/2002 Bilder # 02 Regenbogen - Zelle, 2001, acrylic on nettle, 100 x 100 cm
2001/2002 Bilder # 03 Atem, 2001, acrylic on nettle, 100 x 100 cm
2001/2002 Bilder # 04 Baikal, 2001, acrylic on nettle, 100 x 100 cm
2001/2002 Bilder # 05 o.T., 2001, acrylic on nettle, 100 x 100 cm
T-Shirts T-shirt-Stapel, 1996, ceramics, faience, colored stack of 21 single parts; stack without glaze 14 parts
T-Shirts Ausschnitt, 1996, ceramics, faience, coloured stack of 21 single parts
T-Shirts (detail), 1996, ceramics, faience, stack
T-Shirts Mensch, 1997, wooden box, plexiglass, ceramics 13 pieces
2008 Zeichnungen I # 01 Sylphe 731, 2008, ballpoint pen, coloured pencil on paper, 50 x 65cm
2008 Zeichnungen I # 02 Sylphe 733, 2008, ballpoint pen, coloured pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm