Tomaso De Luca


Drawing forms the basis of the work of Tomaso De Luca (*1988 in Verona, lives and works in Rome). The medium is used by the young Italian artist to examine the forms and structures that surround us in our everyday life. His solo exhibition at Künstlerhaus Bremen this spring focused on manifestations of private life in public space, continuing his exploration of the connections between the private and the political.

Equally private and somewhat enigmatic for the unfamiliar viewer is the picture that forms the background of his annual exhibition. Christine, as the title suggests, is a woman, probably a friend. Her face as well as the room in which she finds herself are painted over in places. The rough photographic image meets the delicate colors of the painted lines and abstract surfaces, which make parts of the original motif disappear and only become accessible after closer inspection. De Luca's painting withdraws from the fleeting and rapid flow of the image in order to make the fragility of memory retrievable.

Tomaso De Luca
Christine (1-10), 2014
watercolours and gouache on risography
42 x 29,7 cm
series of 10 unique works + 2 AP
650 €, unframed